See What A Teacher Told A Pupil That Got Her Fired

As we all know, students In nursery, primary and secondary school just resumed for another academic section So I thought I should share this information with us, especially the teachers.
Children are very sensitive, and as such parents and guiders in school should be really careful of the kind of words we use on them. I know some of them can be very stubborn in class even to the extent of annoying you on purpose.. 
Lemme share this little piece how a teacher lost her job cause of a child. 
This teacher asked her little pupil to write, and the child is a really stubborn one. Instead of her to do what she was told she kept doing another thing.. There the teacher said “Because of this your character, I’ll kill you”

 This little girl kept this in her head till she got to the house and reported to the mother, the next day the mum went to the school to meet the proprietress the teacher couldn’t give a good explanation for it.. But I’m sure it was all anger and she couldn’t control her words 
There, the teacher was fired immediately.. 
The teachers and even everyone should be really mindful of words, Words break and makes a person, we’ll be surprised at the level our words can go. 

Good Evening! 
I think there at people who need this info.


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