
Showing posts from January, 2018

Makeup Transformation Of A Lady With Vitiligo. See Before & After Photos

See what make up did for God sake. She had a burnt face, but make up transformed everything.

Can You Live Here For One Year?

Let’s hear from those who can live in this house for a whole year Drop your comments

Stop Sleeping With Your Cellphone – Experts Warns

Cell phones have long surpassed being just a device to make calls and receive messages. Our dependency on its numerous features has got us enslaved. Today, almost all of us can’t survive without our indispensable communication gadget. And it has gone a step further, whether single or not, mobile phones have becoming a sleeping companion to people globally. There’s hardly any of us who goes to bed without it. Despite health warnings of radiation, we still keep it next to our faces near the pillow or at the most, within an arm’s reach on the bed side table. Well, it’s time to change all of that… Health warnings Recently, the California Department of Health warned that the public need to keep their mobile phones several feet away from them to reduce health risks and radiation exposure. The state released guidance for reducing exposure to cell phone radiation, surrounded by mounting evidence that mobile use may be linked to cancer, attention, mental health and reproduc

5 Everyday Foods That Are Healthier When Eaten Raw


Joke: Calabar Woman And A Séx Robot

A sex robot was designed to satisfy women. It was tested on four women. The first was an Hausa woman, after one hour with the robot, she came out, smiled, saying “Gaskiya e sweet me die”. The next was a Yoruba woman. After three hours with the robot, she came out, smiled and said “Ooshey ooo!!”. The next was an Igbo woman. After four hours with the robot the Igbo woman came out and said Ndewo. The last woman was a Calabar woman, after eleven hours with the robot, the woman was not still out, so the security had to go check on them thinking the robot had killed her only for them to see the calabar woman chasing the robot up and down saying “come here you liar, if your battery is down how come you can still run”

Joke: I Was With #200 And I Entered One Big Restaurant

I was with #200 and I entered one big restaurant, I requested for foods and drink .After eating to my satisfaction ,I asked the waiter how much is my bill and he replied #84,000.I screamed I told him that am with #200 he said that I must pay him his accurate money. After waiting for long tym he called the police and they arrest me. On our way going to the station I brought out the #200 and gave it to the policeman as bribe the policeman left me immediately. That how I paid my #84,000 bill  😂 😂 😂  You can try it

12 Daily Reminders We Need To Read Every Morning For The Rest Of The Year

Where you ultimately end up this year is dependent on your daily attitude and response. This morning one of our course students, Monica—a recovering victim of a very recent and debilitating car accident—was smiling from ear to ear the minute our FaceTime coaching session began.  “What has you in such good spirits today?” I asked her.  “I’m thinking differently about things…about how lucky I am to be  alive ,” she replied.  “I thought the injuries I sustained in that accident signified the end of life as I know it, but now I realize they signify the beginning.” All details aside, Monica decided to begin again, in her mind first and then in her life.  It’s taken her several weeks of healing and practice, but she has consciously let go of the “shoulda, woulda, coulda” attachments in her head about her circumstances, and she has stepped forward with grace and determination.  Her new beginning has nothing to do with the recent New Year, and everything to do with a new way of thinki

Remove These 7 Toxic Habits from Your Life If You Want To Succeed in 2018

Habits are hard to form, bad ones, are even harder to shake. Bad habits can creep up on without you realising. What may start as something innocent snowballs into a much bigger problem. The majority of us are creatures of habit. We seek routine to give our lives meaning and purpose. The problem is, a lot of these routines and habits are toxic. The European Journal of Social Psychology states it takes 66 days to form a habit. If you have had a number of bad habits for a while, they are going to be hard to shake. Habits are entrenched at a neural level in our brains. To break them, we are literally going against our hardwired behaviour. This is why it’s so hard to overcome bad habits. Our brain and body is so used to them, it becomes difficult to overcome the urge to cave in. Your habits reflect your character. How you do anything is how you do everything. If you can break your bad habits and replace them with better ones, imagine what else you can accomplish!